Rosebridge Graduate School of Integrative Studies. Orinda, California. (USA)
Rosebridge offers Master's and PhD degrees in parapsychology and related topics. For more information please write to Jerry Solfvin or Jon Klimo.
Franklin Pierce College. New Hampshire. (USA)
Prof. William Jack at Franklin Pierce College offers courses in parapsychology and psychology.
Saybrook Institute. San Francisco, California (USA)
Saybrook's unique Master's and PhD programs allow students to design their own degree in Psychology with an emphasis on parapsychology.
Rhine Research Center. Durham, North Carolina (USA)
The Rhine Research Center offers a Summer Study Program, an intensive 8 week course which provides excellent introductory education in parapsychology.
University of Edinburgh, Koestler Parapsychology Unit. Edinburgh, Scotland (UK)
The Koestler Chair, a unit of the Psychology Dept. affords students the opportunity to earn a PhD in psychology with a concentration in parapsychology.
The American Society for Psychical Research has compiled a complete list of all Universities, Colleges and Institutes which provide courses in parapsychology and related topics.
For more information write to:American Society for Psychical Research
5 W. 73rd Street
New York, NY 10023 USA